Go Bills!
My favorite job is Mommy and Wifey. Hi! I’m Jen Strait, the founder and CEO of Coaching Autism & Parental Empowerment (CAPE).
When my daughter was diagnosed with Level 1 and Level 2 autism the summer before she started kindergarten, I found myself searching for help, support, strategies, education and answers. Almost a year in and I found myself searching for the same help and support. That’s why I found CAPE. To support YOU with education, advocacy and support so you can help your child and yourself.
I love meeting new people, networking and connecting the right ones together. I've been in various networking groups over my career and WINC has been the one I am most proud of. It truly is a group of supportive, high caliber women who consistently lift each other up.
When I'm not working or networking, you can find me doing anything outside with my family! We love the outdoors, finding the fun with each season. I married my best friend and am thankful for that each and every day! We were friends for a bunch of years before we got together and I believe that foundation is what makes our marriage so fabulous :)
I'm lucky enough to have an amazing step daughter who has been a true blessing in my life. Kevin and I were blessed with another little one in 2018 and she has been the perfect addition to our family. She's so much fun, brings so much energy and laughs to our home and is the perfect mix of my husband and I. Sienna is lucky she has the best role model, her older sister Savannah!
I'm kind of a goofball and can't help myself from the occasional perfectly timed joke. And of course, I am a die hard Buffalo Bills fan.
Career Goals:
All outdoor activities!
Favorite Thing About Buffalo:
My favorite thing about Buffalo is the people and of course....DA BILLS
Something Most People Don’t Know About You:
I know the lyrics to almost every 90s hip hop song
Guilty Pleasure:
Watching 30 Rock over and over and over again
“Life has no limitations except the ones you make.”
— Les Brown