Have fun transforming a store-bought bouquet into a MARVELOUS arrangement. Tips for longer-lasting, decay-free vases included & much more!
Sunday, January 28 · 11am - 12:15pm EST OR Saturday February 24 11am - 12:15pm EST
Let me show you how to easily arrange flowers and feel proud of your work! Wait until you see what you can do! When someone brings you a bouquet or if you grab some flowers for yourself, instead of stuffing them in a vase, you will now know all of the tips, tricks, and skills!
I supply the bouquets, vases, and everything else. You'll leave with a beautiful floral arrangement and confidence to make your own in the future or give it as a gift.
Flower bouquets & greenery.
Vessel Floral Supplies.
Instruction for the workshop.
omplimentary bottled water, coffee & tea.
Waxed transport box & waxed floral tissue to carry your arrangement.
The final class project may differ from the photo due to growing season & supply chain variables. 1/3 of the workshop cost is educational.
Entrance & Parking: Enter in the front barn door, parallel to the road. Horseshoe drive with several parking areas around the property. Please do not block the driveway. A handicapped entrance is available.
Refund policy: Planning, products, and supplies are prepared and purchased for each individual/group; therefore, refunds are not allowed. Absentees may call or email by the day of the event if they wish to arrange a pickup of their supplies.