You Are Meant to Live Pain-Free
A Krav Maga black belt, plant mom, and fur-momma of one loveable dog and two adorable kitties, I love being on the go as much as I love sitting down with a pot of tea and a good book. I consider myself a jack-of-all-trades in the way that I love trying new things and can do at least a little bit of everything. My background includes music, fashion, dancing, acrobatics, and business, all before my current life as a massage therapist. I absolutely love being out in nature - it is my happy place where I feel the most at peace.
Career Goals:
It is my mission and that of my practice, Ouroboros Therapeutic Arts, to change the world one person at a time through holistic healing and health. Using a combination of massage therapy techniques and modalities, energy healing, myofascial release, and empowerment through education, I strive to aid my clients in living pain-free lives by managing and reducing chronic pain; recover from accidents, injuries, and surgeries; and release and heal from their traumas. I believe that helping individuals heal themselves will create an effect similar to a ripple in a pond, expanding outward and healing communities.
Krav Maga, rock climbing, fire spinning, and general bad-assery. Oh, and spending time with my plants, sipping tea, and reading.
Favorite Thing About Buffalo:
We have all four seasons, and the city-scapes and wild natural places aren't so far apart that I have to drive hours to get to one or the other. I feel that we have a little bit of everything here.
Something Most People Don’t Know About You:
I hoard knowledge the way some people hoard trinkets - as much as I like to read, I have over a hundred unread books on my shelves that I'll get to...eventually.
Guilty Pleasure:
Buying interesting sounding books, even though I know I have so many unread ones at home.
“Well-behaved women seldom make history.”
—Harvard professor Laurel Thatcher Ulrich