"Let's trade, not trash!"
After spending the last 3 years in the new retail industry, I’ve decided to flip the script and dive into the world of clothing sustainability. Truthfully, this is something I’ve always been passionate about and a space that I am happy to have the opportunity to be working in. In my spare time, I love spending time with my Husband, our 5 kids and my friends! I love to travel as much as possible and my family and I are roller coaster enthusiasts! I also love to roller-skate any time I can! Let’s do what we can to save our planet and swap til we drop!
Career Goals:
Help women all over Buffalo “Trade not Trash” and make my small dent in helping the environment.
Planning date nights, roller skating, keeping up with trends, hanging out with friends.
Favorite Thing About Buffalo:
How we find fun things to do all 12 months of the year.
Something Most People Don’t Know About You:
Most people probably know this but…I’m obsessed with cats! One of my businesses will be cat centered at some point in my life.
Guilty Pleasure:
Dairy free ice cream while watching crap TV.
“I check all the clothes and
none of them have an age on them.”
- Kristina Atti